We are a Proud Lilywhite Champion.
This is a network of Spurs supporter groups and Spurs podcasters that will be Champions
for the Proud Lilywhites and our members across the globe.
From Barnet to Buenos Aires,
We want to have a safe space for our members to be able to watch their beloved Spurs
whilst knowing they’re in an inclusive and supportive environment and also know that listening to Spurs podcasts will be an inclusive experience.
Being a positive voice for LGBTQ+ inclusion is something we care deeply about, and
becoming a Proud Champion shows commitment to upholding these values. As well as
promoting our key campaigns, our Proud Champions are also providing a visibly safe space
for LGBTQ+ folk within their sphere of influence. Being a positive voice for inclusion and
diversity is key to helping LGBTQ+ Spurs fans feel safe and welcome when following our team.